Our Approach Regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

We would like to make you aware of how Ormsby & Rhodes will be operating in the light of COVID-19 / Coronavirus:

  • As a firm our priority is to reduce the risk to our people, our clients and our business.
  • We have robust business continuity plans in place which will ensure that we can continue to meet our client’s needs.
  • We have followed our government’s advice and our people are now working remotely.
  • We have decided that all client meetings will take place virtually rather than in person.
  • We will continue to follow the advice of the Irish government and Health Service Executive (HSE).

Please continue to contact us as usual, preferably using email. If you need to speak to someone please call as normal or, in the case where it may be necessary to close our switchboard, please contact our emergency number +353 (0)83 075 1217 and your message will be passed on to the relevant person who will contact you.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to working together through these difficult times.